Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Card 2013

As I write this Christmas note, we are just finishing the first week of Advent, focusing on HOPE and it has been a particularly meaningful week for our family as my beloved aunt unexpectedly passed away today. The sequence of events leading up to her death over the past couple of days have been emotionally trying and more than a few tears have been shed and more than a few prayers have been offered.  I am so grateful for the Bible study our family has been participating in during this Advent season and particularly for our memory verse this week as it has helped me tremendously as I grieve my aunt and it is my prayer for each of us this Christmas season:

“May the God of hope bring you all joy and peace as you trust in Him, 
so that you may overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” 
~Romans 15:13

The truth is, all of our lives will one day come to an end. The beauty is that for those of us who put our trust in Jesus Christ, the end of our earthly life is just the beginning of eternal life with God. We have heaven to look forward to! There is no greater hope than that. Today when I learned of my aunt’s passing, after a couple of emotionally difficult days, I honestly felt supernatural joy and peace for the first time this week, because I know without a doubt that she is a God-loving woman and is therefore now at peace in the presence of her Savior.

The eternal perspective God has brought me back to this week as I have been faced with the death of a dear extended family member has been a strong theme in our family throughout the year. It is the goal we are striving towards. On a daily basis keeping up with the needs of two young children and running a home, it is easy for me to be distracted and get wrapped up in the here and now. But we have been attempting to be intentional about living our lives in light of eternity. This has prompted us to make some family decisions differently, to pray differently, and to focus our energy on tasks that have the potential to affect eternity by reflecting Jesus to a needy world. We are still very much a family in progress and, as the coming year promises to bring some big changes for us, we look forward to what eternally significant tasks God has planned for us in 2014. As for now, we are enjoying teaching our children the true significance of the Christmas season we are celebrating and looking forward to spending time with our families over the holiday.

And for the typical update you might expect on a Christmas card…

Sam and Molly started out the year by taking advantage of Sam’s parents visiting and got away alone for a few days in Sonoma Valley, the wine country of CA, only a couple hours from their CA home. They both agree it was one of the best, most relaxing vacations they’ve ever had!

One of the highlights of our year was planning and hosting a croquet match in May to benefit The A21 Campaign, an organization dedicated to abolishing human trafficking in the 21st century. You can read more about the event here and find out more about The A21 Campaign here.

This summer we enjoyed traveling to SC and renting a place at the beach with both of our families. The kids enjoyed the beach and having all their grandparents, great grandparents, and one of their uncles in one spot!

Sam completed two master’s degree programs this year. One in Defense Technology Systems from the National University of Singapore and another in Mechanical Engineering from The Naval Postgraduate School.

In September we left our home of nearly 3 years in California and started our move to Connecticut. After 7 weeks of travel including over 5,000 miles of driving, 8 flights for Molly, 4 flights for Sam, visiting 34 friends across the country, and a Hawaiian vacation, we arrived in Connecticut in November. A highlight for Sam {and lowlight for Molly} was our Na Pali coast hike on Kauai during our trip to Hawaii, which you can read about here.

Quinn started preschool a couple of days a week this year, which he loves. He continues to impress us with his ridiculous memory and aptitude for any sport involving a ball. He just had his 3rd birthday and we are celebrating next weekend with a football party {per his request} during the Army-Navy game.

Lanie Kate just started walking {at 14 months} and is very proud of herself. She is the sweetest, most cuddly child you will ever meet. She loves sweets and will go ballistic for a cupcake {see this post documenting her first cupcake experience}. Her current obsession is the book “Blue Hat Green Hat” which she will present to you to read over and over again, laughing at every page every single time.

Bella and Winston are keeping out of mischief for the most part. Thanks to switching dog food brands earlier this year they are peppier than ever {unfortunately- haha!} and missing the mild CA weather where they got to go for long walks and play at the park every day. They are hoping daddy gets orders to Hawaii {or maybe that’s just Molly…}.

Next year Sam will finish department head school here in Connecticut and he will report to his next submarine, hopefully meaning another move somewhere else.  We are now enjoying the last of our non-deployable time as a family as we anticipate Sam’s soon-approaching return to sea tour. 

Merry Christmas!
With Love,
The Fromilles

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