Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday LK!

My baby girl is turning ONE! As I type this I am thinking back to one year ago at this time when I was in the middle of my labor with her freaking out about having another premature baby. It was an awful labor but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the past year with this sweet, happy, healthy, precious little girl was well worth the terrible pregnancy, nerve wrecking labor, and 15 day NICU stay. Her infectious smile lights up my world every single day. I have never met a sweeter or happier child in my life. She is truly a joy in every sense of the word and I have really savored this past year with her. I honest-to-goodness even treasured the middle of the night feedings when she was in her first few months, knowing this time around that the lack of sleep would be short lived and so would the sleepy infant snuggles. In all honesty, this first year has gone too fast and I'm clinging on to the last moments I have left with my baby as she too quickly turns into a toddler. It is impossible to be too sad though because it is so fun seeing her bubbly personality continue to develop and at this age I enjoy watching her learn, discover, and experience new things every day.

Today we had a little fun with the {almost} birthday girl. We dragged my old high chair from when I was a baby out into my parents back yard that is on the brink of fall in Maryland and got Lanie Kate a cupcake from a local cupcakerie {that is catering her upcoming cupcake themed party}. This was LK's first cupcake so it was really fun to see her enjoy a sweet treat and yummy mess for the first time. I went a little crazy with the photos in this post, but I just couldn't choose! I love all her little expressions!

 Confession... I have given my parents a hard time my entire life for ditching me with my aunt on my 1st birthday in order to go on vacation to Hawaii. As it turns out, tomorrow morning before the birthday girl wakes up I'll be boarding a plane to go visit a good friend for a few days sans children {taking advantage of daddy being off of work and available}. I'm sure I'll never hear the end of this from my own parents or from my little birthday girl! Hopefully she can forgive me since I let her eat cake a day early and we're throwing her a party next weekend too!

Love you to pieces my little sweetness! 

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