Friday, December 2, 2011

A year ago today...

A year ago today I became a mommy.

The day after we moved to our current home in California I unexpectedly went into labor three and a half weeks early. It was a crazy night. We were staying in a hotel with the dogs getting ready to move into our new house the next morning.  So when my water broke it was a little hectic trying to figure out what to do with the dogs and what to do about the movers showing up first thing in morning.  I guess it was Q's way of letting us know that from here on out our best laid plans would be subject to his approval.  The first of many reminders over this past year, that we are not really in control of things at all.  Thank goodness we know that God is!

A year ago right now I was sitting in a rocker in the NICU staring at my precious firstborn.

Q had a bit of a rough start. Being a premie, he needed a little help breathing at first and he also had a bit of jaundice. I remember being overjoyed at the sight of his sweet face and precious little fingers and toes.  I also remember not being able to hold back tears because I couldn't hold him and comfort him since he was hooked up to so many monitors and was getting oxygen.

Meeting Q instantly changed me.  My life took on a new purpose, I was a mom.  I could feel the weight of my new responsibility as I was helpless to do anything to help my child those first 12 days he was in the NICU. And I came to know a new kind of overwhelming maternal love the very moment I first laid eyes on him. It is impossible for me to even put into words the ways in which his arrival changed me.

We have both come so far in the past year.  He is a healthy, happy (though still a bit small) one year old. And he has taught me so much about selfless love and patience and joy!  I live for his smiles and his giggles.  He is such a happy boy!  He is very observant and cautious.  He puts everything in his mouth. His best buddies are our two dogs whom he loves to play with. As soon as he was mobile, the first things he was interested in were the dog toys and bones and those are still his favorite toys.  He loves to play tug with Bella and will go get her toy and hand it to her and laugh and laugh as she pulls him around. He loves to dance with mommy and play guitar with daddy. His favorite game is peek-a-boo. He hates the ocean but loves the bath tub. And he loves to read.  If you get out a book and start reading aloud he will crawl right over and snuggle up to you (and offer to help turn the pages). It amazes me how much he has learned this year!

I can't believe it was only a year ago when I met our little guy. It feels like he has always been a part of our lives.  It seems like ages ago when I was sitting in the NICU stroking his sweet little hand praying for the day when I could hold him in my arms.

I have been a mommy for a year and I can't imagine life without my sweet little boy!

1 comment:

Jan O'Connor said...

We can't imagine life without him either. Your dad and I are very blessed to have you and Megan as our children. And we know that God has been there all along instructing us as to how to raise you. It has not always been easy (raising children), but it is such a blessing to see the women that you and Megan has become. May you look back in the years to come and have the same feelings that I have for the two of you. Thankfulness for a strong Christian son.