Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love logging onto facebook on Thanksgiving! Everyone's status lists the things they are thankful for and it just puts me in a good mood. I love reading about the little (and big) blessings in my friend's lives. It is particularly touching to read cheerful, thankful statuses from friends who have real reason not to be thankful this year; for example, friends with deployed spouses or friends who have recently lost loved ones. It is inspiring to see them choose thankfulness rather than bitterness. I just wonder what the world would be like if everyday was thanksgiving and if we intentionally looked for things to be thankful for no matter what other not-so-great things were going on?

I've been learning this lesson myself over the past couple of months. In fact, just recently I've needed an attitude adjustment in this department. My hubby and I are getting away just the two of us around Christmas time and have had plans for months for one set of our son's grandparents to watch him for us and recently the other set of grandparents let us know that they also wanted to watch him (we assumed they had to work) and thus ensued stress in trying to figure out how to fairly divide my son's time with his grandparents while we are away. Everything worked out and we are looking forward to some nice time away. What I need to remember is that having too many people that love our son and want to help us out is a good problem!  I am so thankful that I have such wonderful parents and in-laws and am sooooo grateful that they are willing (and even eager) to watch our wild man so we can have some alone time!

Granted, my childcare dilemma is far from a serious problem, but I'd venture to say that there is something to be thankful for in almost any situation, as evidenced by my friends that are going through real heartache this holiday and have still found things to be thankful for!

As for me, there are so many things that I am thankful for that it would be impossible for me to list them all in a facebook status, or even capture them all in a single blog post. So I'll just mention one thanks I have today and that is that my husband is home and not deployed and for those who are deployed away from their family today.

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