Monday, June 2, 2008

The move to New Hampshire

I have very mixed feelings about moving to NH. I am so excited to be getting my husband home soon! And I am glad to have our own place to live again with all our own stuff. I am also super happy to be near the other families on Sam's boat. I've meet a few of them and love them already! But it was hard leaving family as I mentioned in my previous post. And it is always hard moving to a colder climate... but it will make Hawaii all the sweeter when we finally relocate there!

I drove up to NH on Wednesday and stayed with new friends from Sam's boat. They have been so great to me... letting me stay with them last week when I came up for the meeting and then again this week with the dogs in tow! Bella and Winston did great on the drive and had a blast playing with Zac and Rebekah's dog, Aidan. Thursday we had some time to burn before we could get into the apartment so I took the dogs for a ride up the coast and we checked out the Maine beaches. It was beautiful, but I will take SC beaches over these any day! It's kind of annoying because even though there is hardly anone on the beach (probably due to the fact that it never really gets warm enough here), dogs aren't allowed on the beaches here:( Bella was pretty upset... Winston still doesn't know what he is missing but will find out shortly on our trip to SC!

Despite the disappointing dog rules, it was a very pretty drive. And after getting into our apartment I explored Newmarket (our new town) a little bit. It is kind of a cute little town with several restaurants and little shops.
After exploring I found the nearest town with a real grocery store (as opposed to the little general store in Newmarket). Then I sat in our empty apartment trying to imagine how all our stuff was going to fit.
The next day the movers came and sure enough everything got into the apartment... however tight it may be! My WONDERFUL father-in-law drove up that day as well with a van full of stuff I had at their house. He was a total life saver! He helped me unpack and he put together our new patio furniture that is currently serving as our kitchen furniture. We went down to Portsmouth after spending a long day unpacking even though it didn't appear to make much difference since the place was still a giant mess! We had a delicious dinner at Jumpin Jay's Fish Cafe. I highly recommend the seafood chowder! Yum! Portsmouth is a pretty neat town... like the New England version of Annapolis. People are pretty nice but a little nuts... they are all wearing shorts and tank tops and it is definitely not warm enough for that here!
Saturday we drove around the Southern Maine coast and checked out a gorgeous light house but I forgot my camera... sorry! Then we did a little more unpacking and my father-in-law left to go home. Since then I have just been unpacking and cleaning and doing mountains of laundry. I had all te best intentions of trying a new church on Sunday, but it didn't happen... I was so exhausted and still had so much to do!
Today I am starting to feel better about the state of our apartment. Things are pretty much put away and now I just need to do a really thorough cleaning and find "homes" for some random things I don't know what to do with. This apartment literally has NO storage space so our second bedroom has turned into a large closet. There is pretty much only room for the treadmill and the desk and the rest is packed full of our stuff that doesn't have anywhere else to be! But it is okay cos it is at least organized now.
Today is also our two year wedding anniversary which I keep forgetting because Sam isn't home. In some ways I feel like the time has flown by and in other ways it feels like we have been married forever. Either way, I love being married... probably cos I have the BEST husband in the whole world (even though he adandon's me for months at a time... haha)! I really do thank God every day for blessing me with such a wonderful husband, I couldn't ask for a better marriage:)


batsonfamily said...

I figured out the link thing tonight. thanks, another move huh. i'm sure it will turn out very neat. Still not 90s in Charleston I know. I don't have much longer either.

Matt and Brooke said...

Happy Anniversary! I will call you soon about our visit together in NC... things are going to be hectic. We may just have to come see you in NH or somewhere in between. Miss you much! B

Katie said...

Happy Anniversary! Breathe, and breathe deeply!