Monday, May 12, 2008

Family Road Trip

My last grandparent, my mom's dad, passed away on May 1st, just two days before his 90th birthday. Fortunately, my mom had been in Mississippi visiting with him when it happened. He recently had started having mini-stokes and his heart was only pumping a small percentage of what it should have been. We don't know exactly what caused him to pass away, but we are all greatful that he is now at peace with the Lord. (My mom is on the far left and those are her three sisters with her)

My dad, my sister and I drove out to Mississippi to meet my mom for the funeral and it turned into a grand tour of all the places our family has lived. First my dad and I drove down to Williamsburg, VA to pick Megan up from college because she had just finished her exams. While there we enjoyed dinner at one of our favorite local spots, Paul's Deli (see picture), and our favorite Williamsburg treat, Sno-to-go snow balls! After staying the night in Megan's dorm room, we then we dropped off my car at the Richmond, VA airport (we also lived in that area) and motored on out to Memphis... but not without stopping for dinner outside of Nashville, where we were born.

Even though it was a sad occasion, it was great to see my mom's side of the family. We haven't all been together since our wedding two years ago. It was especially fun to see my cousin's kids who have grown so much in two years! Hope is the one I am holding and she said she wanted to make friends with me because she wants me to take her to Hawaii with me when I move... haha:)

I will say that the trip down South was a "cultural experience." I almost died when we pulled up next to a beat up pick up truck being driven by a little old man on oxygen... while smoking a cigarette! And that is only one of the many examples of our "cultural" experiences while traveling!

On the trip home we stopped in Black Mountain, NC which is a town my parents are considering moving to when they retire. It is in the mountains right outside of Asheville and it is just the cutest little place with lots of quaint shops and restaurants. We stayed in one of the "top three" bed and breakfasts in the South according to Southern Living magazine and I highly recommend The Red Rocker Inn to anyone in the area looking for a great place to stay. The breakfast was truly amazing... probably one of the best meals I have ever had!
Now I am back in Maryland trying to finish up my term and get ready for my move to New Hampshire in a couple of weeks. I am flying up there next week for a Hawaii housing meeting and am so excited to meet all the wonderful wives on Sam's boat that I've been emailing with over the past few months. I can't believe Sam will be home in less than a month! I can't wait!

1 comment:

Matt and Brooke said...

wow what a trip! I am sorry to hear of your grandfather's passing. My prayers are with you and your family.