Thursday, May 1, 2008

Praise God!

I finally was able to get in touch with an administrator at Portsmouth Christian Academy, my #1 choice for a pre-clinical experience site, and I am tentatively all set to do my pre-clinical experience there in the fall! I have a meeting with the asst. principal once I move up there to officially set everything up. I can't wait, the school looks awesome and their philosophy and beliefs totally line up with my own!

A BIG THANKS to all of you who prayed for me in this situation! I am feeling WAY less stressed now that is taken care of:)

PLUS... now that it is May... Sam comes home next month! YAY!


Matt and Brooke said...

Halleluah! (sp?) I knew it would come through!

J D Burke said...

It is so amazing how much you can over-analyze things! I am so proud that you got your placement, and I know you will make a fantastic math teacher, even though you should probably avoid teaching linear algebra!

I luv you! I hope everything is going okay and I will see you when you come back. Your fam. is in my prayers!

Carrie and Scott said...

YIPEE! So glad that stress has been lifted. Yay for Sam coming home!