Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Crazy Week!

It has been a crazy week for our little family! It has been a week of allergic reactions and emergency room visits unfortunately.

My little sister is severly allergic to peanuts and the ignorant servers at her college cafeteria assured her a dish did not have peanuts in it when in fact it was made with peanut sauce! So poor Megan took the food back to her dorm and ate it there alone where she obviously had an immediate reaction. Fortunately her roommate took her to the hospital when she got back to the room where the doc gave her two bags of fluid for her extremely low blood pressure and a shot of epinephrine. Megan is doing fine now, and I didn't even find out about this till it was all over... but what a scary ordeal! I thank God that He protected her through this situation that truely could have killed her.

Then, Saturday evening Winston started having a difficult time breathing and next thing I knew his poor little face was super swollen, especially his lips. Sam's grandmom and I took him to the Pet ER where he got a couple shots of steroids and benadryl which at least helped him breath. The poor little guy's lips stayed swollen and very sensitive for another day though so he wouldn't eat or lay his little head down because it hurt him. It is so hard to see a poor little animal in pain that you can't do anything about. I am just glad he is getting better now.

On a more positive note, a wife of a guy that was riding Sam's sub but got off early did email me a picture that her husband brought back from his underway. It was so good to see Sam's face since I haven't seen it in almost four months! For those of you who don't know, you can't send attachments to emails to or from subs... so that means no pictures. Anyway, I thought you might like to see Sam "in action." It looks like they're really busy down there doesn't it? haha! I am happy to see my husband is still clean shaven though! Even though I guess I am going to have to re-teach him to smile in pictures when he returns :-D

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