Friday, April 11, 2008

Way to go Sam!

Sam passed his final board for qualifying back aft this week! It is a huge accomplishment that he has been progressively working on his entire time out to sea so far. Now he is qualified to stand watch in the engine room and is moving on to working on qualifications for other areas of the boat. I am so proud of him, he is working so hard and accomplishing so much!

Recently he has also told me that being out to sea feels "normal" now and that it will actually be weird to be home and see me again. I agree that it seems normal for him to be gone and it will be weird to be together and have our own place to live again... but we both can't wait! It is sad when it feels normal to be away from your spouse... I find myself looking at pictures of us together and wondering what it will be like to actually see him again and be able to touch him. I guess I'll find out in about two months!

Since I obviously don't have any cool pics from Sam's submarine since he can't send me attachments... I will just post a cute one of the dogs... cos I know you are all just dying to see more pics of them! haha! They miss their daddy too... that is if Winston even remembers his daddy since he only meet him for a week!
In this picture they are sitting on this little platform Sam's mom made for their massively fat cat to sit and look out the window. Bella and Winston have pretty much claimed it as their territory and love to sit up there and watch people and cars go by.

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