Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Responding with Trust {GMG Reflection- Luke 8}

This past week I studied Luke 8 as part of my Good Morning Girls Bible study. What stuck out most to me was people's responses to Jesus.

A group of women who had experienced His power in their lives contribute to the support of Jesus and the disciples out of their private means. They know the difference He has made in their lives and want to be part of Him making a difference in the lives of others.

The disciples cry out for help during a scary storm and then are amazed when Jesus calms the storm. It seems that even those closest to Him and chosen by Him to do His work do not fully understand Him.

A man who experiences Jesus's power is obedient, even when he doesn't get what he wants, and can't stop telling others about his experience with Jesus. He wanted to leave his shame and embarrassment behind him, but Jesus had bigger plans and used him right were he was, right where people knew him. The man got over his embarrassing past knowing that it is who he had become through Jesus that mattered.

A religious official comes to Jesus for help for his dying child and even after Jesus has told him that his belief will make her well, the official and his family laugh at Jesus when they believe her to be dead and then are amazed when He raises her. Jesus's promises are trustworthy. He is powerful to accomplish the impossible and we can believe He will do what He says He will do.

I can relate to all of these responses and I have something to learn from them as well.


The women trusted that their resources would serve a good purpose, a purpose they believed in because they had been touched and changed by that very purpose. The disciples learned to trust in Jesus's power and provision for them.  The demoniac who was cured trusted in Jesus's plan and was obedient to His instruction, getting over his own embarrassment to step out in faith as Jesus commanded. The religious official learned to trust in Jesus's word and in His power to accomplish His word.

I need to learn to trust.

Recently I have felt led to host a fundraising and awareness event for The A21 Campaign fighting sex trafficking.  I have never done anything like this before, and though I have a vision and big dreams for the event, I don't even know where to begin and frequently feel like I am going to fail and embarrass myself. I have to trust that since He put this on my heart and I have spent many months in prayer for this cause and how I can help, that He will equip me to do what He has called me to and the event will reach exactly who He has planned for it to reach.

I will trust in the One whose plan is bigger than my own and whose power is able to accomplish the dreams He has planted in the hearts of those who love Him.

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