Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Compassion {GMG Reflection- Luke 7}

In this week's reading it is impossible not to notice Jesus's compassion for others. Compassion for complete strangers.  Compassion that moves Him to action. If I seek to be like Jesus, compassion must be a key part of who I am. All too often though I spend the majority of my time thinking of myself and my little family, not others. This self-centeredness certainly does not reflect the heart of Jesus and hinders the impact my life could have on a needy world.

Last week as I studied Luke 7 my prayer was that God would make my heart tender towards others, that He would give me a heart like Jesus, full of compassion. He has answered that prayer by reigniting a passion for a cause I have been tender towards since learning about it last summer. That cause is human trafficking, particularly sex trafficking. Just last week God brought some other women that share my heart for this cause into my life and He also helped me to connect with the victims through a dream that you can read about here.

The compassion my friends, my husband and I feel for the victims of this horrific crime is moving us to action.  I was privileged to meet with some like minded women this week to discuss what we can do to help. We are excited to be hosting an awareness-building fund-raising event in the near future! The idea of this is a little scary and overwhelming because I feel like I still have so much to learn, but God's calling is clear and I know where I am lacking, He will be sufficient.

For more information on human trafficking and what you can do to get involved check out The A21 Campaign, an organization devoted to abolishing injustice in the 21st century.

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