Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blue Eyed Babies

It's 11:57pm on a Friday night... which is approximately 2 hours past my bedtime.

I had chocolate cake sometime around 8:30pm.

Which means my sugar high will be wearing off right about the time my kids are waking up tomorrow morning.

So in the mean time I'm finally downloading pictures that have been sitting on my camera and I just couldn't resist sharing this bright blue eyes! We're past due for an update anyway :-)

This little cutie is now 5 months old!  She continues to be such a joy. Happiest, sweetest baby I have ever known. So busy these days... rolling over tummy to back and back to tummy, "talking" constantly, and really engaged with her toys but still mostly enjoys engaging people.

This handsome fella keeps us laughing.  He is talk-a-tive! Has something to say about everything and is so expressive as he does so. He makes some goofy faces too and I just can't get enough of him at this age. He is super affectionate and is always clamoring for hugs and kisses which melts my heart. If his daddy and I are hugging he normally wants to get in on the love and will come over demanding hugs and we oblige him by making a "Quinn sandwich" which he has apparently picked up on because the other day when we were hugging he came running up to us yelling "sandwich! sandwich!"

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