Saturday, March 16, 2013

Catching Up! {This Is Our Life Project}

I have been slacking on the weekly photography project with life getting busy as usual so I have some catching up to do. Mostly I just haven't downloaded pictures in ages... so here is my attempt at getting caught up. In the interest of getting caught up I have not edited any of these images even though they could use it... oh well!

Week 7: Negative Space, It's a Positive Thing!
Negative space is the blank space in a picture which you can use to compose a picture to achieve a desired effect. Here the negative space is the big blue sky.  I took the picture from below as Q was swinging at a baseball.  Playing baseball is currently his favorite thing to do.  He loves watching his baseball movie (The Sandlot) and goes out back to hit balls as often as I will let him. He can throw the ball up and hit it out of the air himself but he prefers when he can get someone to pitch for him. He's quite the slugger these days!

Week 8: Wild Card
Me and my girls <3 p="">
Nothing spectacular about this but it makes my heart smile- loves these girls!

Week 9: Out of the Shadows
Project "beach acclimation" is complete. From a child who use to hate sand and refuse to move if you put him down in it, he told us on our way to Carmel on this evening "I love going to the beach and playing ball with the dogs!" He even went so far as to dump a bucket of sand on his head gleefully... so I'd say we're plenty acclimated. Here, my friend Jenn who was visiting from Chicago was building sand castles which Q was systematically destroying.  Apparently you do not need to teach boys to act like boys... :-)

Week 10: Changes
Quinn took this picture :-) This is our first baby who is trying to get use to not being "top dog" anymore. As Q gets older, Bella has been trying to let him know who is boss {her according to her}. We have been working on teaching her that she is actually not in charge of the children and is therefore not allowed to "discipline" them when they misbehave, furthermore, she needs to actually be obedient to them... ouch... change is hard for this little one!

Week 11: Play

These are my boys playing! Q loves to help with just about anything we are doing and washing the car was no exception.  We've had gorgeous weather here lately so it was a good day for getting wet and playing with the soap and the hose. Winston dog is the biggest sucker for the hose- he goes nuts when we get the hose out and tries to bite the stream of water.

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