Thursday, December 20, 2012

Look who's 2! {Quinn- 2 year update}

Our little boy is 2! And oh how he is growing up! I am trying desperately to savor every moment with him at this precious age. He is so sweet and loving right now and loves hugs and kisses and wants nothing more than to sit on our laps and have our attention. I know that will not last forever so I try daily to remind myself that the dishes can wait and dust bunnies are insignificant compared to sweet moments with our little guy.

Here are the latest developments:

  • He is really into hygiene. He loves brushing his teeth and taking baths. If you even mention the word "bath" he will start stripping down. And he is an obsessive hand washer.
  • He continues to get better and better at language and talks in mostly sentences now {generally missing articles and prepositions though :-P}. 
  • We are a little suspicious that he can read even though we have no idea how that could be possible. Either that or he has a truly superhuman memory because he will pick up books we have only read him maybe once months ago and correctly say words that are not typical words we use. It kind of freaks us out...
  • He identifies emotions like scary, sad, and happy. If the dogs startle him he will look at me and say "scary" in a very humorous shaky voice.
  • He has excellent "reading comprehension" and will tell you the moral of a book or TV show/movie if you ask what it is about. {for example, The Little Blue Truck, one of his current favorite books, is about "friends"}
  • When he really wants something he whispers {as if trying to send us a subliminal message or something} and keeps repeating the whisper while making the baby sign "more." 
  • We try to give him choices whenever possible {what to eat for lunch, which hat to wear, what book to read, etc} and he enjoys having that little bit of control.
  • He likes to boss the dogs {and sometimes his friends...} around. "Winston, come here!" "Bella, leave it!" "Dawn, share!"
  • He has gotten in to pretend play, particularly pretend food, which has the dogs very confused!
  • He is really interested in playing with other kids and having friends. Whenever we see other kids around the neighborhood, whether we know them or not and regardless of their age, he will longingly say "frrrriiiieeeeennnds" repeatedly and when we ask him about childcare during church or MOPS he talks about seeing his friends.
  • His temper tantrum endurance has improved. So far his record is 5 hours regarding picking up his wooden blocks. 
  • He loves to pray.  He reminds us at meals to say grace. And often he will spontaneously fold his hands and start listing off names of our friends and family. At night he has 4 common prayer requests; his nose {?}, daddy's school, church, and of course... friends.
  • He is a great big brother.  He has yet to show any jealousy {what I thought was jealousy awhile ago turned out to just be him missing daddy when daddy was home but unable to leave the room for a couple of weeks due to pneumonia}. He is really helpful and will get Lanie Kate's paci for her when she is upset and will comfort her saying "Lanie Kate, you're fine!"
Q's current favorites:
  • Playing basketball and golf {he got new sports equipment for his birthday}
  • Playing remote control helicopter with daddy
  • Walking the dogs and throwing the ball for Winston
  • Elephant and Piggie "Should I Share My Ice Cream?" book {thanks Larson family!}
  • Watching football with daddy which he asks to do every day
  • Cooking with mom and dad
  • Going to church and dancing to the worship music
  • Looking at pictures of fish, trucks, or best of all... himself

1 comment:

Molly said...

So glad he loves those books! Colin absolutely loves the Mo Williams Elephant and Piggie books! :)