Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lanie Kate {.25 year update}

It is impossible for me to keep up with updates month by month... so maybe I can do it quarterly? We shall see... Plus, when they are babies, they don't do much anyway. Although, Lanie Kate has been learning and growing quite a bit lately now that I think of it!
Photo Credit: KC Knoop Photography
Here are the highlights of what our little cutie is doing lately:

  • Smiles and coo's {i.e. the best thing ever for any momma!}
  • She loves loves loves to snuggle, especially with mommy. After having Q, who was not a snuggly baby {though I have managed to snuggle him into a snuggly toddler!} I was so hoping for a snuggly baby and I got one! Only down side to that is that sometimes this results in a baby who never wants to be put down... but I'll take it :-)
  • She is a very efficient nurser and a predictable eater {currently every 3-4 hours during the day} which is something I am soooo grateful for after a little over a month of pumping and bottle feeding her pumped milk as a premie which is at least 3 times the work!  Makes my life soooo much easier!
  • She is getting the hang of nighttime sleeping. She went through a phase where she would be really awake from 3am-6am for some reason and we had to constantly go in and settle her down and none of us really got any sleep during that time. But consistency has paid off and she seems to have learned that mom and dad like peace and quiet and rest between the hours of 9pm and 7am and she seems on board with that now. She goes up to 8 hours between feedings at night, but generally only goes about 6 hours which is fine with me as long as she goes back to sleep!
  • I still have not figured out her daytime nap routine... some days she is wide awake all day long and some days she only wakes up to eat.  At least she is generally in a good mood and is very flexible based on what Quinn and I are doing during the day.
  • Speaking of Quinn, she really loves her big brother. If she isn't happy with either Sam or I, we give her to him for him to hold her and she calms right down. She loves his attention!
  • She prefers to be on her tummy if she is laying down and she can roll from tummy to back.
  • She controls her head pretty well at this point and enjoys bouncing with some weight on her legs too.

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