Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Christmas Tradition {ornaments}

 Every year my husband's family all go to Valley View Farms and everyone picks out a Christmas ornament and then we go out to eat for a family dinner.  It is one of our favorite traditions during the Christmas season and it makes decorating our tree each year a lot of fun because our ornaments bring back memories of Christmases past.
 This year we didn't travel back to Maryland for Christmas but didn't want to miss out on the ornament fun so we took the kids to a local store with lots of ornaments to select from {and steered Q away from the $60+ ornaments...}.
 One of Q's favorite things are fish. Especially "nemo fish" so it was no surprise when he picked out a clown fish as his ornament for this year.
 It took him an excessively long time to find an appropriate place on the tree to hang his ornament but he finally decided on a spot in the front and center.

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