Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve Fun

For the first time ever we spent Christmas without any family. In the past, when we haven't been able to get home for the holiday, my family has come to us.  This year they came out for Thanksgiving instead and we were on our own for Christmas. So we invited some friends over for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner after church.  It was so nice to get to go to our own church for Christmas Eve service! 
 Our friends brought a gingerbread house kit over for the kids to build while dinner cooked. 

 Once they realized candy was involved in the decorating, they really got into it. We learned that Q has a real affinity for gum drops which I didn't know anyone actually liked.
 "Is this sufficiently decorated yet? Can we start eating it?"
I'm pretty sure Quinn's dinner consisted of sugar with a side of sugar... but it's only Christmas Eve once a year so I guess it's okay! We had such a nice evening with our friends and their daughter who Q just loooves. 

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