Monday, December 17, 2012

Joy {Advent Week 3}

"In your presence is the fullness of joy" ~Psalm 16:11

This year I had the opportunity to learn about true joy. I went through a season of depression which I had never experienced before. I was going through a complicated pregnancy that wreaked havoc on me emotionally as well as physically, at the same time as going through an overseas move and a particularly challenging time as a toddler parent. I did not cope well with the combination of these three things and I found it impossible to be happy or joyful. God taught me a lot through that time though and after a couple of months He lifted me out of that depression, and even though I wouldn't say I was happy with my circumstances at the time, I can say with confidence that I was joyful. I experienced God's comfort, love, power, and provision in a way I never would if life never got difficult. I learned to turn to Him and found peace and joy in His presence; the kind of peace and joy that are so satisfying that I learned to crave intimacy with God more and more.

This year I have learned that true joy comes from being in the presence of God. And that is what makes Christmas time so special. We celebrate God coming down to be present with us in Jesus. He made Himself accessible to us thereby bringing us the greatest joy we could ever hope for- the joy of being in His presence.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

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