Saturday, December 15, 2012

Freezing Time {LK 2 months}

I finally had the time and motivation to take a few pictures of LK with something other than my phone camera! Life has been so busy since she arrived and she is growing up entirely too quickly. Since I have yet to come up with a successful way to actually freeze time and keep my babies young, capturing these precious moments while they are little is all I can do. 

This was a completely impromptu photo shoot with zero planning going into the setting/props/etc and thus she is laying on a "busy" blanket... but better to have imperfect pictures to look back on than no pictures at all :-P

Yummy- this hand tastes good!

Yawn! Modeling is exhausting :-P

As usual, I have a hard time deciding between black and white and color but tend to lean towards black and white {hubby invariably leans toward color}. What do you think?

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