Saturday, March 10, 2012

Favorite Things {Quinn- 15months}

Back by popular demand (i.e. the grandparents) here is another post about Q's current favorite things.  Now that he is learning and growing so quickly, there is so much to document!
Q loves drumming these days.  His godparents gave him a band-in-a-box for his birthday and he has always loved the wooden stick.  We refer to it as the "beating stick" because he likes to try and whack us and the dogs with it (something his godfather also taught him... thanks Uncle Papa J!). But recently he has taken to using it on a variety of different surfaces and listening for the different sounds.  He'll hit his toy box a few times, then the wood floors, then the cabinet, then the oven door.  It is so cute to see him discovering that different surfaces make different sounds.  His favorite so far is to hit the tambourine.  

Video of Q drumming with both hands on a whole drum "set" his grandparents set up for him.
Q is still just as ball-obessessed as ever.  He likes to go down to our park and kick his little soccer ball around while I play ball with the dogs. He has determined that the ball rolls much more easily on the side walk than it does in the grass so he is very determined to keep it on the sidewalk :-P
Q still loves to help with laundry.  I have finally figured out how to get him to actually be helpful (rather than just undoing what I do).  He is great at loading the washer.  He also loves to help transfer things from the washer to the dryer.  The only problem with that is as soon as the dryer gets more full than the washer he starts transferring back the other way- oh well! 
Q is pretty much just a big helper all around. He is so interested in whatever we are doing and wants to do the same thing.  He helped daddy shine his shoes the other day.  Dad even ripped off a little piece of cloth for Q and let him work on the other shoe while he shined this one (which Q actually attempted to do by rubbing the cloth on and in the shoe)!
Speaking of shoes... Q loves shoes!  It doesn't matter if they are his shoes or our shoes... he loves them! And he is always trying to put them on.  He brings his shoes to me and puts them up to his feet.  He brings my shoes to me and puts them up to my feet :-P It was t-r-o-u-b-l-e when I took him into StrideRite the other day and he was surrounded by shoes.  He wanted to touch them all! I don't know where he gets this obsession from... I am about as far from a shoe addict as it gets.  I wear the same 2 pairs of shoes, the pair of Sanuks he is holding in the picture or Rainbow flip-flops. 

I don't have a picture or video of this (yet) but Q also loves to show you his different body parts.  This started with Sandra Boynton's "The Belly Button Book." When we read the book we show him our belly buttons and his.  He quickly learned to find ours and if you would say belly button he would try to lift up my shirt and show you.  It took awhile for him to catch on to showing his own but now, when asked, he will show you his belly button, his foot, his eye, his nose, and his ears (though he still sometimes mixes up the facial parts).

And finally, now that he is walking well, he thinks it is hilarious to be chased!  I do have a video of this somewhere... so if I can find it, I will add it later :-)

We can't wait to see what he will learn next!!! This age is so fun!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Molly, your pictures are awesome! :)