Saturday, March 10, 2012

Puppy Love

These are my little loves.  All 3 of them are so precious to me!  
 This is Bella. She is up on the arm of the love seat in our playroom because the baby can't get to her up there.  Q loves his doggies and loves to "play" with them which sometimes involves throwing things at them or hitting them with his toys.  (of course I don't allow that, but sometimes it happens before I can stop it) Despite the abuse, they are incredibly sweet and gentle to him.
 Random picture of my sweet little Q!
 This is Winston.  He is the best dog I have ever known. Bella is full of spunk and "personality" and she is such a mommas-girl that others don't often appreciate her.  But Winston is loved by everyone.  He is goofy yet well-behaved.  He has mastered the art of avoiding the baby, especially when the baby has a hard object in his hand... Bella holds her ground when Q encroaches on her territory as if to say "Just you remember child, I was here first!" Winston (rather wisely) will just get up and move before a Rubik's cube gets chucked at his face.
Q learned to give kisses from the dogs. (and the dogs are generally the recipients of most of his kisses)  He has no idea what pursed lips mean because he thinks kisses are open-mouthed affairs.  While reading one of his favorite books yesterday (Flip Flap Fly) we realized just how much he associates kisses with the dogs.  The book reads...
"Kiss," says the baby child.
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!"
So mama and the baby child kiss like this... 
(and I always kiss him)
He got up off my lap, went over to Bella, crouched down and opened his mouth (his signal for a kiss). We caught him doing this very thing on video the other day and you can see it on facebook.

Here is a little clip of Q playing with B though :-)

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