Saturday, March 10, 2012

Grandparents Visit!

Last weekend my husband's parents and his grandmom came to visit.  They didn't want to do anything while they were here... just play with the baby! It was a fun time for them to visit because Q has just been learning so much lately.  Unfortunately Q came down with a nasty cold while they were here (which he passed on to his Pop-pop) and so he was really clingy with mommy the whole time.  They snuck in a few snuggles while reading, one of Q's favorite things!
 Grandmom brought Q some new books, one of which quickly became a favorite because it had balls in it and our child is obsessed with balls in all forms.  He kept pointing to the balls and saying "ba" and turning back to the pages with the balls. 
One evening Pop-pop went out to run an errand and he came home with a new blue soccer ball for Q!  It didn't take Q long to find it either.  It was still in the box when Q walked over and tried to get to it!

We were so happy they could come out to visit before we leave the country for awhile in a few weeks!

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