Sunday, February 12, 2012

A few of my favorite things {Quinn Edition}

In a recent email to my sister who lives in Italy, and thus, who hasn't seen Q since August, I was listing some of his current favorite things. She replied that one day he (and I) will love to look back at those kinds of descriptions.  I know she is right.  He is learning and growing so quickly these days!  So over the past few days I made it my mission to capture some of his current favorite things on film-- ya know, for posterity's sake ;-)

Quinn loves his little friend {future wife} Dawn. Though they have known each other since they were born, they are finally noticing one another and enjoying "playing" {squabbling} together. If one of them gets into something, the other isn't far behind. They always want what the other has and are total double trouble! Just this morning hubby and I were searching for a small frying pan to make their breakfast and realized the last time we saw it was when the two of them were emptying out the kitchen cabinets. Maybe one day when they can talk, they will tell us where they hid it!

Quinn loves to take things apart and put them back together.  His mom-mom and pop-pop gave him the little turtle he is playing with in the above picture.  He repeatedly takes the hat off and puts it back on.  He also has a little carton of "egg shells" that he loves to take apart and put back together.

Quinn LOVES to read!  I first realized that he understood what we say to him when I told him to "go get a book and mommy will read it to you" and he immediately did it.  Some of his current favorites are "Flip Flap Fly," "Good Night Little Bear," and "Turn and Learn Shapes."

Quinn has now discovered that he can open the kitchen cabinets on his own.  He use to race over when he saw me open one to get into it, but if I got it closed before he could get there, he didn't realize he could get into it on his own. Not anymore! He is into everything and loves pulling out the Tubberware and the pots and pans. He also loves helping me unload the dishwasher.  I let him get his own baby spoons out and help mommy put them away.

Of course little guy loves the computer (along with anything else that he isn't allowed to touch, like remote controls). He loves skyping with his grandparents and Zia. It's amazing to see how you can tell when he recognizes people.

Quinn LOVES his dogs. He loves anything related to the dogs.  He prefers to play with their few toys as opposed to his many toys.  He loves getting their bones (probably because he gets lots of attention from them when he has the bones). And he loves climbing in their crates.

These are a few of Quinn's current favorite toys.  He loves his puzzles and his "Little People" bus (and anything "Little People" related). He is getting really good at fitting the shapes in the shape sorter.  And he is great at putting the rings on the ring-stacker-thingy and sometimes even puts them on in the correct order! And he loves knocking over and playing with his Tobbles tower. It will be tough to narrow down what toys to pack for our 6 months in Singapore coming up soon!

Quinn's absolute favorite activity might just be "helping" mommy with laundry, especially stuffing cloth diapers. He will help me switch laundry from the washer to the dryer (and sometimes back again...). He will help me get the diapers off the drying rack. He likes to take all the diapers out of the basket and then put them all back in again.  He has recently started handing them to me for me to stuff them.

Never mind about the laundry... stairs are definitely Quinn's favorite thing! We have gates so he can't get on our stairs, but he learned to go up and down stairs over Christmas when we were on the East coast with no baby gates. Now he gets really excited if we let him climb ours as home. I couldn't figure out why he mysteriously started enjoying going to the childcare at my gym until they told me he spends the whole time I'm working out in the kiddie maze going up and down the padded stairs :-P

Finally, Quinn loves going for walks and jogs.  No matter how fussy and cranky he is, he is happy as a clam if you get him out of the house in the fresh air.


Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks for posting this.

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh! Q is so cute! :) These photos are priceless!