Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Cure for Crabbiness

Little man and I both woke up crabby today :-(  He has been a little under the weather so his crabbiness is understandable.  Me on the other hand... who knows.  Now that Q is well over a year I think I need to stop blaming every bad mood on pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones :-P

So I took matters into my own hands! Q and I each have pretty reliable cures for our moodiness.  Q needs fresh air and a change of scenery. I need exercise-induced endorphins!  We make for a pretty good pair since I can fulfill both of our needs by taking him for a jog on the coastal trail.

We are very blessed to have a lovely paved trail that goes for something like 18 miles along the central Cali coast right by our house. Monterey is the perfect place to be a runner.  Beautiful scenery and perfect running weather year round. Just to make my fellow runners drool, I stashed my camera under Q's stroller and took a few pics of the scenery along our route.

The marina

Seal Beach (those grey things aren't just rocks... they are harbor seals!)

Fisherman's Wharf Monterey

Heading towards Lover's Point in Pacific Grove; the surf was up and there were ocean sprays up over the trail even! Wish I'd had my board (and a very thick wet suit!).

Q enjoying the fresh air at our turn around point

1 comment:

Camille said...

Beautiful. I miss it and you! Q looks adorable--great picture!