Thursday, January 26, 2012

A few of my favorite things...

the beach.

This morning was gorgeous here on the Cali central coast. Q and I couldn't resist taking the dogs to the beach for a little fun in the sun. 

We got a DSLR camera last year for Christmas and I've very slowly been learning how to use it with the help of a talented photographer friend, Audra, of Simple Soul Photography based in Yorktown, VA.  On a recent trip to VA to visit Audra and her family she showed me a couple basic things in Photoshop, which I've been toying with for a couple months trying to figure out (rather unsuccessfully). 

So along with Q and two unruly beasts, I toted the camera and my current favorite lens (50mm f/1.8) to try and do a little photography practice. It was kinda tough since Q was strapped to my belly in the Ergo carrier (really must figure out how to use the Ergo on my back... too bad I threw away the instructions...). But I got a couple shots I was happy with.  I played around with these in PSE with my limited knowledge of photo editing and attempted to understand layer masks (I still don't...). But here is the finished product none-the-less!

 Winston is the happiest little guy, especially if he has something to chase, which he didn't today because I forgot to bring his ball. At least I remembered the leash (I have forgotten that before and it is a pain)!
I love this action shot of my two fur babies with Monterey in the background. It was sunny, but as is typical for Monterey Bay, there was a light haze hanging over the water- lovely!

Don't make too much fun on my beginners photography! It is a new year's revolution of sorts to learn more about photography and photo editing:-)

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