Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's a Girl!

Our dear friends, C and W finally had their baby late Thursday evening. We have all been anxiously awaiting the arrival of little miss K who was very content to stay nice and cozy in mama's tummy for as long as mama's OB would let her! As high as C was carrying right up until the day she was induced, I liked to joke that K was hangin on to mama's ribs for dear life resisting her entrance to the world and the big reveal that she is a girl!

And a lucky little lady at that to be born into this wonderful family! C and W have been praying for her since they found out they were pregnant (and probably before). C was laughing as she told me how when W would talk to her belly and pray for baby girl, baby girl would get all excited even in utero. Thanks to those prayers, you can tell this little lady knows the sound of her daddy's voice because when little miss was fussing after a little meal, daddy scooped her right up and danced her around the living room and she snuggled right into his chest and was as content as could be!

On another note, I seriously don't think I have ever met a more natural first-time mom than C!  K wasn't even two days old when I visited and C was as relaxed as could be. She is the antithesis of a nervous parent. She doesn't try to control every little situation like how you hold the baby or how you swaddle the baby, etc. And when K woke up hungry, I offered to leave to give them some privacy while figuring out the whole nursing thing, but C just whipped out her nursing cover and continued our conversation while little girl ate as if she'd been nursing for months. Such a far cry from how stressed I felt when first learning to nurse Q! But I shouldn't be surprised at this, I knew she'd be an awesome mommy and it is my joy to see that dream fulfilled!

Thank you G family for letting me share in the joy of K's arrival!  And thanks for letting me "go all paparazzi," as W says :-) I have not stopped smiling since I got to meet precious K and we could not be any happier for your family! All three of you are very loved!

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