Monday, September 19, 2011

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

... that is what Morgan Belle Kirkpatrick is made of!

I had the privilege of throwing a baby shower for my sweet friend Lauren who is expecting her very first little bundle of joy. I was so thrilled to host her shower, not only because I love Lauren but also because she is having a precious little girl so I could go all out girlie! I had a blast planning, prepping, and hosting this shower.

The theme was sugar and spice. So in keeping with the theme we played "Guess the Spice" which was more difficult than originally planned thanks to my husband who thought my original spice selections were too easy and took it upon himself to make things a little more challenging... median score was 3/8 correct- thanks babe!
We had a yummy vegetarian lunch complete with pink lemonade, pink frosted strawberry buttercream and vanilla cupcakes and pink frosted sugar cookies. And since I knew my guests were all creative ladies I planned a fun craft of decorating onesies for little MBK with fabric appliques. It was really special because even though some friends couldn't attend the shower, they were still able to contribute by making onesies that I had hanging as decoration and examples. And we had another friend skype in from across the country!
Even big sister, Elle, Lauren's sweet pup, joined in on the fun! And our friend's adorable daughter helped Lauren unwrap Morgan Belle's presents :-)
It was such a fun day and we all just can't wait to meet little miss Morgan Belle in a few short weeks!

1 comment:

The Kirkpatrick Four said...

I've been waiting for a post about the shower! :) haha! It's fabulous! Reading about it helps me relive that day over again and I am constantly reminded how blessed we are to have you in our life. You're absolutely incredible, Molly. The shower was prefectly dainty and girly and more special than I could have ever imagined. It was the perfect day with the best girlfriends anyone could ask for. I seriously think you need to start a baby shower planning/onesie making/photography business. You're superwoman, I swear. Love you lots! Thank you for a special day that I won't ever forget. We absolutely cannot wait to share the joy of MBK's arrival with you! She'll be here SO soon! :)