Sunday, May 1, 2011

Exploring Vegan Cooking

I've been interested in exploring vegetarianism for awhile but am shamelessly addicted to meat which has prevented me thus far. However, for a variety of reasons, I've decided to take this month to do a little experiment. And why stop with vegetarianism? Why not try vegan?

So for the month of May I will be cooking and eating vegan dinner (on the nights we eat at home- if we go out or are at a friends house, I will eat "normal"). I'm not dedicated enough to go completely vegan... so I will still enjoy my eggs for breakfast and deli sandwiches for lunch, but from dinner until the following morning, I'm going vegan. *except I still get to drink my organic skim milk with dinner... I love it too much... I'm not giving that up!*

I plan to blog through this experiment if only as a journal for myself. My plan is to share the recipe I cooked with my comments on it as well as one of the my many motivations for trying this in the first place.

Day 1: Greens and Beans with Rosemary and Thyme

I used a southern greens mix from Trader Joe's that included kale, mustard greens, collard greens, and spinach. I have never had mustard or collard greens, so that was a new experience. Let's say, it wasn't terrible... it just takes some getting use to the bitter taste. And mustard greens DO actually taste a little bit like mustard!

I was a little worried due to the low calorie count indicated on the recipe that I would still be hungry after dinner despite all the fiber, but it has been awhile since dinner and I actually still feel quite full and satisfied! We'll see if it carries me through my morning run tomorrow...

I did have a little "palate cleanser" of a small scoop of raspberry sorbet after dinner to get rid of the lingering bitter taste, which worked great:)

Motivation: It's hard to say what the greatest motivating factor for me to try this little experiment was because there are so many... but the most general is probably just that I KNOW I need to eat more vegetables (don't we all?) and I am bored with the vegetable preparations I have used in the past. I want to branch out and learn how to cook vegetables I haven't had much (or any) experience with as well as learn new ways to cook the old familiar veggies I've eaten all my life. I have NO intentions of actually becoming a vegan after this experiment is over, but hopefully I will have made some new healthy habits and learned some new healthy recipes I can keep using once I return to my carnivorous ways!

If anyone actually reads this and has some good vegan recipes, please pass them on!


Jeey Potter said...

Molly & Sam & little Quinn:
just came across your pics and update on Facebook; found your blog.
Wonderful to see things are good!
Continue to be blessed

Come see us in San Diego/Tecate Mexico this summer if you guys get a moment. We are there June 11 thru 18.


Joey Potter
Director of Missions

Whitney Harris said...

Hey Molly, I just stumbled upon your mothers day blog and thought id read about the impetus of your new journey. We gave up meat for lent (not dairy) and i loved it so much i am continuing to be a 90% vegetarian.

My 2 favorite dishes so far have been 1. somosa pie (we substited some of the potatos for sweet potatos to get some extra nutrition

2. lentil rolls (we added mango chutney for interest)

- Ingredients
o Egg rolls (found near tofu in the produce section at the grocery store)
o Lentils
o Onions
o Garlic
o Vegetable oil
o Salt
o Green chili Pepper
o Pepper black

- Procedure
o Put the lentils overnight into cold water one day before
o Remove the water and boil them into hot water untill they get tender (you can skip the soaking and boil them longer)
o drain
o Cut into very Small pieces 1 /6 of the green Pepper
o cook the onion, garlic in oil to fry
o Add salt
o Add the lentils
o Mix
o Add the green chili Pepper
o Mix and add black pepper

Take out of fire and wet until the mixture cools down

Take the rolls
Put 1 soup spoon of the mixture on one roll
Roll it
"Fry" them with olive oil

good luck :)


The Fromilles said...

thanks for the recommendations whitney! will try them:)