Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 2-4

Okay, so clearly I am not good at this blogging thing... but I have been keeping up with my little commitment:)

Day 2: Pineapple-Ginger Rice with Edamame

This was quite delicious and extremely easy, especially when you use a rice cooker:) Although, I wish I did not know what miso actually is... aged, fermented soy beans doesn't sound appealing, but gave this dish a nice subtle flavor. Sam (who is NOT doing this little vegan experiment) sauteed some Mahi in ginger and ginger flavored vinegar that I was little jealous of... will be trying that when I'm not a dinner vegan anymore!

Day 3: Falafel and Potato & Spinach Lebanese Pies from the Monterey farmers market

One of my FAVORITE things about Monterey is the AMAZING Tuesday evening farmer's market downtown. I think I could probably grocery shop exclusively there if I was a better planner (as in, I didn't wait till the last minute to decide what to cook so that I end up needing to run to the store multiple times a week...). Currently it is strawberry season here so the air throughout the market smelled sweet and delicious like fresh picked strawberries! And you can buy anything from local produce and flowers, to local grass-fed beef, to locally caught fish and seafood, to gourmet cupcakes, and a whole variety of ethnic foods. After stocking up on veggies and herbs, we stopped at Maha's for some lebanese food which was delicious!

Day 4: Vegetable pie from the farmers market

Every time I go to the farmer's market I buy one of these little treats to take home and reheat. I could eat one of these everyday I am convinced... I've never loved veggies so much! Basically it is a pie shell stuffed with cooked veggies like spinach, carrots, squash, leeks and tomatoes with a little ricotta and fresh herbs. Soooo, technically it isn't vegan due to the cheese (but it's only a tiny bit of cheese...) and I'm not really sure about the crust, that probably disqualifies it too. But so what, I cheated a little... it was worth it:)

Motivation #2: I eat way too much cheese! I have a seriously unhealthy love of dairy products in general and need to have a little self control in that regard. This is my main motivation for choosing vegan as opposed to vegetarian because vegetarians can eat cheese. I'm hoping keeping cheese out of my evening diet for a month will help to break the habit a little. I am also trying to limit my cheese consumption during the rest of the day too. Now, of course... I've already cheated with the cheese on Day 4... but oh well... not trying to be legalistic here!

Gotta go... my stuffed pepper for Day 5 are coming out of the oven now! I'll let you know how they are next time:)

1 comment:

Tessa White said...

All of your cooking sounds amazing! Great job! SO glad you are enjoying the farmers market too. I just picked up the best strawberries yesterday form Whole foods which were locally grown. I ate the whole basket in 1 day!