Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It's time for us to be moving along again! I can't say I'm sorry to leave New Hampshire behind, although I will miss some of the wonderful people I have met here. This will be our third military move (well 5th if you count the 3 months in CT and 6 months in MD) and so far it has definitely been the worst! For the past 2 weeks not a day has gone by that something unexpected (generally bad) has happened either with moving plans, our apartment complex, or Sam's boat schedule. I don't feel to stressed out about anything but I know the stress is lurking somewhere underneath the surface of my psyche just waiting to rear it's ugly head when I've gotten just one too many "surprises." On top of the many unwelcome surpises, Sam has been at work and unreachable for pretty much the entire process so I am left to deal with anything that may come up on my own.

Today was December 9th. There is a big banner hanging on Sam's submarine with the departure date of the sub. According to the banner they should have left today. Where are they you might ask? Still tied up to the pier. When will they actually leave you might ask? As of today, not for at least another month. Now you might think that is good news... that they will be "home" over Christmas... but you would be wrong... they will be working straight through Christmas, at least the nukes will be.

Anyway, it is good to have the household goods move over with. Our movers came Friday and Monday and now we have nothing but the 3 suitcases I have for my flight to Hawaii in a few weeks. It will be good to get out of this awful apartment complex in less than a week and go home and see my family, even though Sam can't come.

This has been a crazy couple of weeks but I can honestly say that I LOVE this life! I love being a military spouse and I love moving and getting to experience new places. I even love the challenge of dealing with everything on my own. I have a silly sense of pride that I have not lost it and have remained calm and flexible throughout this move so far. I know I have even bigger challenges ahead (shipping the car, shipping the dogs, finding a place to live in HI, buying a car, starting student teaching, accepting our HHG and dealing with damages, etc) but at the end of this move, if I have not lost my mind, I will be a stronger and better person for having done it.

Think of us these next few weeks! We hope to be able to spend a little time together over the holidays and would love if Sam were able to get a few days off to come home and see his family. All the guys working hard on Sam's sub could use prayers as well... they are working very long hours and many will not get to see their families this Christmas season.


Katie said...

I'm proud of you! You've got a great attitude and that's what you need and especially Sam as well. I wish you a very smooth move and will be thinking about you guys in the weeks to come!

Matt and Brooke said...

I'm gonna use that second to last paragraph next time we have to PCS. In the words of the great Beyonce, "all the women, independent, throw your hands up at me!!"