Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Trip to Charleston

After Sam returned home we had two weeks of vacation. The first week we spent in the Dominican Repulic which I will post about later after downloading pictures. The second week we spent at my favorite place in the whole world... Charleston, SC!

On our drive down we stopped to visit some good friends who just recently moved to Fayetteville, NC. Matt recently graduated from MUSC dental school and is now an Army dentist. We were so delighted to spend the evening with these guys and to finally meet their adorable little daughter Millie! We miss you guys tons!

Doesn't Brooke look awesome for having a 3 month old?!

Next stop... the Surratt home! Our good friends Josh and Lisa and their 1 year old son, Miles, where gracious enough to allow us AND the dogs to stay with them while we were in town. Their dog Otis is from the same breeder Winston came from and Bella and Otis use to be best buds but now I think Winston stole Otis from Bella. But Bella didn't care cos she was so interested in Miles, she was very gentle but wanted to give him LOTS of kisses! It was a riot with all of them running around. We had some great quality time with the Surratts, cooking out, playing cards, going to the beach, and taking Josh's dad's boat out for a little drive over to Shem Creek for dinner.

Winston loved the beach as you can tell!

Picture of Shem Creek from the water and our view from dinner.

I also got a chance to have lunch with some of my previous co-workers from Garden Zone. It was great catching up with those ladies!

We were also so thrilled to be able to share in the celebration of Matt and Heather Alt's wedding while we were there. We even got to have lunch with them and some other Navy friends during our trip.

And we got to go to church at Seacoast Sunday morning which was really special for both of us. We miss Seacoast so incredibly much and were thrilled to be back! Plus we ran into several friends from our old small group at church and got to have lunch afterwards with our friends Brad and Jan and one of our favorite restaurants with the best view, California Dreamin.

We had such a wonderful visit and are so happy we got to see everyone that we did. Although it wasn't long enough and we really missed seeing several other friends in the area that we weren't able to hook up with due to time.

1 comment:

Andrew-Josiah said...

hi! I added you as a friend on my site!