Saturday, May 24, 2008

Achieving the "Impossible"

As of yesterday I officially completed all of my course work for this term and passed all my exams! I completed 11 classes in the past 5 months in order to meet the May 31st deadline for Jan 09 student teaching eligibility. When I told my mentor my plan at the beginning of the semester she told me it was "not only ambitious, but completely impossible." Pretty much everyone else agreed with her including my family and most of my closest friends. However, my wonderful husband believed in me which helped me to keep going when I felt like quitting. I was also blessed to have a good friend close by who happens to be a math whiz and when I got stuck on a math problem he spent hours trying to figure it out with me. Thanks John!

Also, I talked to my school after returning from the Hawaii housing meeting this week to see if I could change my student teaching location from NH to HI based on the new information I got about the boat's schedule. I fully expected them to say no... but to my pleasant surprise they were very understanding and accomodating. So now I will be moving to HI in January and hopefully begining my student teaching there if all goes well next semester!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers this term! And for those of you who have had to listen to me whine and complain and worry all term about either school work or pre-clinical experience or student teaching or the Navy or when we will move.... thank you so much, having good friends and family to support me means everything!


Matt and Brooke said...

I knew you could do it! Congratulations! I want to come visit you in HI! SO FUN!

Carrie and Scott said...

Way to go! That's what we are here listen and pray. Still coming down south?