Saturday, November 23, 2013

Words to Live By

"For we are God's masterpiece. 
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
~Ephesians 2:10 {NLT}

This morning while running on my treadmill I was listening to a Seacoast Church podcast. The message was on dating. Yea, I know... I prefer a treadmill to outside- weird. I listen to message podcasts instead of music while running- odd. I am a married woman listening to a message on dating- huh? Let's just get to the point...

The message was based on Ephesians 2:10 and as I listened I began mentally filing away things I need to remember to tell my kids when they are of dating age. But the longer I listened, the more I realized, this is something I want my kids, myself, and everyone really, to internalize regardless of relationship status or stage of life. These are words to live by. Whether you are a Christian or of some other faith or of no faith at all, I think we can agree that if we all really believed this, that we are all masterpieces, the world would be a better place {and we would be happier}.

The idea that I am a masterpiece and so are you creates self-confidence in me and also a deep respect for the other masterpieces I come across everyday, whether they are pleasing to me or not.  Just because some one else doesn't care for {or even respect} me does not affect my value as a masterpiece. And just because I don't particularly like the style of another masterpiece does not make it any less valuable or less deserving of my respect. There are few lessons I would like my children to learn more than this. There are few lessons I would like the world to learn more than this. If everyone believed this it would virtually wipe out oppression. 

Additionally, this concept is so deeply intertwined with the gospel and the teaching of Jesus. It has become our habit for Q {and LK} and I to read the Bible together during breakfast. This week we have been reading Luke 6-8 and focusing on Luke 6:27-36 where Jesus talks about loving your enemies, specifically focusing on Luke 6:31 which says, "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." Obviously an appropriate verse for a toddler to learn! Jesus repeatedly instructs His followers to love one another, and to do good, even to those who harm you. We are free to follow His instructions in this way because we do not need others to validate us if we believe that we are masterpieces, created specifically for good works. I can love my enemies without their love in return because I don't need their love and acceptance to be whole. Only the Master can complete this masterpiece and He has already accomplished that work through Jesus.

I am whole, 
I am a masterpiece, 
created by the Creator of the universe. 

And so are you.

Let's live like it and teach our kids to live as the masterpieces that they are!

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