Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Feet

My little dude is growing up so fast! I can't take it. Did I tell you that I totally got misty eyed the first time he kept his underwear dry and told me he had to go potty? Yea, I did. Before having kids I thought I would be so excited for them to get out of the toddler years and I laughed at mothers who teared up about their children growing up. And now, here I am crying over pee in a plastic Elmo potty! But I digress... I am on here today to write about another little growing up moment for Q :)

Have you seen the movie Happy Feet? If you haven't, you should. It is so cute! All the Emperor penguins are good singers and that is how they attract their mates, by singing their "heart song" and "a penguin without a heart song is hardly a penguin at all" according to one of the characters in the movie. Little penguin Mumble is born with dancing "happy" feet though and he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket and the movie is about him learning to be himself and others learning to accept his differences. This movie has replaced Q's long time favorite movie The Sandlot as his current favorite and he randomly throughout the day will waddle around the house stomping his feet really quickly exclaiming "I have happy feet mommy!" It's pretty darn cute, I must say.

Annnnyway, we were at the park a couple of days ago and he met a little girl who was a little bit older than him and became friends. This is kind of a big deal with Q. He has lots of friends, but they are generally kids he sees frequently because they are my friend's kids. He is definitely not one to speak to strangers and generally prefers to quietly observe kids he doesn't know at the playground rather than strike up a friendship. But he and this little girl were having a legitimate conversation and making choices together about what they wanted to play. I was pretty proud of him.

I guess he must have thought this little girl was pretty special because at some point he busted out his mating call... his happy feet moves. She looked at him like he had lost his marbles and ran off to play somewhere else. Sorry Q, guess she wasn't your "one true love."

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