Monday, May 13, 2013


While I was visiting the East coast, Lanie Kate and I took a trip down to Virginia to visit some friends of mine. One of my closest girlfriends happens to be a professional photographer and a personal creative inspiration and mentor to me as I dabble in {very} amateur photography and other creative pursuits. I love taking advantage of the opportunity to watch her work especially when it's with my own little ones.  And it was really fun to be a part of the editing process and to get to go through all the film myself.  I found that a good number of the shots I wanted to save were technically outtakes that no photographer would have selected to present as part of the final product. But I love them because its life that happens between the smiling snapshots {of which there were many with this happy little girl} that make up our unique life and her unique personality. These are the moments, the little expressions, the personality captured on film, that I don't want to forget! Life happens in the outtakes!

All credit for the photos here goes to Audra of Simple Soul Photography
{the amateur editing, however, you can blame on me :-) }

At this age, she shoves EVERYTHING in her mouth

Yep, punching mommy in the face... that's about right!

She always has her tongue out!
Maybe later I'll have a chance to post some of the not-outtake pictures from her 6 month shoot with Audra because they are awesome too!

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