Saturday, April 27, 2013

{GMG Reflection Luke 10}

What strikes me about Luke 10 is that God chooses to use us to do His work. He is God. He could accomplish His purposes in other ways. He could command His angels to do His work. {angels who would surely be more obedient than we often are!} But He doesn't, He chooses to use us and chooses to give us the privilege of being a part of what He is doing on earth. That privilege more often than not calls us out of our comfort zones. But I know of no greater privilege and no greater task that brings such satisfaction as partnering with God to bring about His plan. 

Clearly the disciples were excited and awed by the opportunity to partner with God too because Jesus has to remind them, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven." {Luke 10:19-20 NASB} What an excellent reminder that we should not rejoice in our own accomplishments, even those which are empowered by God, but we should rejoice in our salvation which we could never accomplish on our own. 

I so long to have a powerful, effective, fulfilling life.  I long for it so badly at times that I am in tears. And I need Jesus to speak these words to me.  I need reminding that it is not what I do on this earth that matters so much as whose I am. Yes, it is a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here, but it is not my hard work or *awesomeness* that makes the difference, because God could accomplish His plans with or with out me. But He chooses to use me, and in doing so gives my life purpose, and for that I am grateful. 

Recently I have been working on planing an event to raise funds and awareness of the global problem of sex trafficking. It is a cause that God has made heavy on my heart for many months now and it is a cause that I have felt led to do something about. I had big dreams for the potential impact of this event and was confident about God's calling and have been somewhat disappointed by the {lack of} response we have gotten. It is hard not to question whether this really is something God wants me to pursue or if I have somehow failed in my execution based on the response. I was encouraged by reading in Luke 10 about Jesus appointing and sending out disciples and describing how some cities would not receive the disciples. The point being that people's response to the disciples was not what made their calling legitimate. And other people's response to God's calling in my life is also not what makes my calling legitimate. I have to trust in God's plan and know that maybe I won't get the human satisfaction of seeing what looks like success, but I can know that God is bringing about His ultimate purpose when I am working in submission and obedience to His calling in my life. And I am so grateful He has given me the opportunity to partner with Him in this way. And I am even more grateful for my salvation- for the opportunity to know God intimately.

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