Friday, February 15, 2013

In Need of a Physician {GMG Reflection- Luke 5}

"And Jesus answered and said to them, 'It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.'"
~Luke 5:31-32

This is Jesus's response to the Pharisees {religious leaders} when they questioned Him why he chose to hang out with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus has just called Matthew, a tax collector, to be his follower and is dining at Matthew's home with Matthew's circle of acquaintances.

As I studied this Scripture I tried to put myself in the situation and asked myself, "How would I have reacted to Jesus's choice if I was there?" And I figured that I would be a bit frustrated that Jesus would seemingly randomly choose Matthew to be his disciple instead of someone like me who has never really done anything that terrible and has spent years studying the Bible and trying to live righteously. And then it dawned on me... I am a Pharisee.

The thing is, we are all sick in need of a physician.  We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I am no less in need of Jesus than the worst sinner in the world.  And still, too often it is my pride in being a decent person, a "good" Christian, that separates me from God.

Sinners and tax collectors knew they were sinners and tax collectors.  Sinners and tax collectors knew they needed a physician.  And it is their recognition of that need that makes them useable by God.

So here is me. Joining the sinners at the table with Jesus.  Knowing I need a physician to heal the damage sin has done to my life. Hoping God will use me too.

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