Friday, January 11, 2013

Fabric Blossom Headband {Tutorial}

That is my beautiful little 3 month old! Isn't she precious?! She is getting so strong!
As I was playing with my camera yesterday morning while she was playing on her tummy I felt like something was missing... why yes... she didn't have a fun bow to match her outfit! Simple problem to solve.  I just found some scrap fabric and whipped one up really quick.  Here is how I did it...
1. Cut out 5 {or more if you desire a fuller blossom} petals. I used a paper template that I made, folded my fabric over onto itself 5 times, pinned the template on and cut all the pieces at once to save time. My petal is a little under 3" in diameter but you can make it as big or as small as you like.  {if you use a larger diameter, you will probably need more petals for it to look full enough}

2. Fold one petal in half

3. Fold a third of the petal over onto itself from the mid-point of the fold

4. Fold the other third behind so that if you hold the point it looks like picture 4 above

5. Sew a stitch through all 3 layers close to the point

6. Use the same needle and thread to put a stitch through all the petals and scrunch them together

7. Arrange the petals in a circle and put a couple of stitches through the point where they all meet to hold it together

8. Stitch the blossom onto a headband {or hot glue it onto an alligator clip or pin if you like}

And now her outfit is complete!

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