Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snuggle bug!

The first 9-10 months of Q's life he couldn't have been less interested in snuggling.  Even as an infant he wanted to hold his head up off my shoulder and look around rather than cuddle into mommy.  I thought my only hope of having a snuggly child was to have another baby and hope for the best. Then somewhere around 10 months he slowly started to have an interest in snuggling and he would periodically crawl over and lay his sweet little head on my shoulder for a split second.  For months I would hold my breath every time he did this because the snuggles were few and far between and I just didn't want the sweet moment to be over. Over the past couple months though his snuggling has increased dramatically and now it is a daily occurrence- yay! Who knows how long this current snuggly stage will last though... so while we were lounging around yesterday I had hubby snap a couple of photos to preserve the memory of snuggly Q forever and ever.

I played with the editing a bit but can't decide which I like best.  What do you think???

 I just love black and white photos.  I love the simplicity.

 Little goober likes to chew on his finger when he is teething.

 Since hubby didn't follow directions very well to keep my face out of the photo, Photoshop helped :-)

This one really shows how we were both feeling yesterday- exhausted! 

Here's hoping he stays snuggly for a good long while!  But if not, at least I'll have these to look back on with fondness :-)