Saturday, February 25, 2012

my ball-obsessed family {a day in my life}

Everyone {and every dog} in our house is ball obsessed. Except for me, the loner with no hand-eye coordination what-so-ever. But I am happy to watch my family enjoy playing ball!
 This little guy has literally been playing soccer since before he could walk. Not surprising since his dad loves soccer and looks for every opportunity to play.  But we never pushed soccer on Q.  We didn't even have a soccer ball for him until he found a mini one at a friends house and loved it so much we bought him his own. Before he could walk he would hold our fingers and kick his pink (that's another story...) soccer ball around the house with a huge smile.  It was soccer that motivated him enough to start walking in the first place.  It was the first thing he went after when he was confident enough to start taking steps on his own. Who knows if his infatuation will last, but for now, he loves it!
 It was hard for him to kick the full sized ball in the grass so he used his hands some when he got frustrated.
And that is hubby! Q kept trying to crawl out on the field to get to him :-)

On beautiful Saturday's like today, I take Q and the dogs to watch hubby's soccer games.  Everyone got in on the ball fun today!

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