Thursday, December 8, 2011

I love Christmas! (and cute babies)

I'm in a bit of a Christmas-y mood now that Q's birthday has passed.  I think the mass quantities of Christmas cookies I've been consuming since my recent cookie exchange might also help;-) And this week alone I have four Christmas parties to attend... four!  So due to my recent mood, I want to share the holiday cheer by sharing a few snap shots of some of my favorite babies all decked out for the season.

Let's start with my VERY favorite baby, my lil Q man!

I found this adorable elf hat on Etsy.  Sadly, Q hates having anything on his head so in most shots he is pulling the hat off his head with a pained expression (see right photo above...).

Don't you just love his little candy cane legs in these leg warmers? My hubby rolls his eyes at baby leg warmers, but they make changing a squirmy 1 year old soooo much easier and they are just so darn cute!

The "backdrop" was an idea from pinterest. Buy 2 yards of fabric and tape 1 yard on a wall with painters tape and let the other yard lay on the ground. I was pretty pleased with the results.

Now, for my future daughter-in-law... yes, it's already been arranged and Q&D have no choice, they've been buddies since birth and we frequently trade babysitting services between our families. They've had multiple "sleep overs" and several shared baths. As a proud MIL-to-be (he he) I just think she is the cutest thing ever and I swear this girl never takes a bad picture!

Clearly D was much better with the hat than my little monster!!!

I also had the chance to snap a couple shots of sweet little newborn K! 

I had so much fun hanging out with my friends and their sweet girls. Christmas is just so much more fun with babies around! Last year Q was too young to know what was going on, but this year I am looking forward to lots of fun with him. I hope if you took the time to look at these, it's puts you in a festive mood too:-)

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Love the pictures Molly! You got some really cute shots there! You should send me the fabric and Q's waist size and I'll make it into a pair of pants!