Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 23-25

Day 23: White Bean, Kabocha, and Kale Soup

It's official, I love! So far, the recipes I've found there have been consistently good. This dish was good and had a good amount of flavor which is sometimes something I find lacking in vegan food. I'd never had Kabocha squash before but it was really good, very sweet. Sam even liked this dish despite the lima beans (I couldn't find butter beans so I used limas, which Sam hates).

*Apple, Oatmeal, Raisin, and Walnut "Cookies"

I wasn't really intending on making cookies but when Quinn is cranky he likes to sit in him bumbo and watch mommy cook, so we baked cookies to cheer him up:) I say "cookies" because these aren't really like cookies to me. They are more like little chewy granola bites. A nice completely healthy snack. And if you love any excuse to "play" with your food processor like I do, try these out.

Day 24: Veggie Pie from the farmer's market

*Honey Wheat & Oat Bread

Again, this is not technically vegan because it has honey in it and no self-respecting vegan would condone the slaughter of innocent little bees to steel their honey... As I was contemplating this my hubby was running around the house with the fly swatter stalking the foolish flies that decided to swoop in during one of the countless time we open the back door to let Bella and Winston in and out (because they never seem to be happy about being stuck on whatever side of the door they are on...) and I was wondering if vegans are okay with killing flies? Because in my opinion flies are less evil than bees, I mean, bees sting! Anyway, needless to say, I am allowing myself ANOTHER exception with regards to honey. (You may be asking yourself, why does she even pretend to be eating vegan with all her "exceptions"? And you're right, I'm a total cheater!)

Anyway, this bread may be a little TOO good... just one day later and we are getting close to finishing off loaf #1 and unlike last week when I gave one of my two loaves away, you'd be lucky if I even offer you a slice if you come to my house! (JK, I'd totally let you try it!... maybe...) I doubled the honey as per the suggestions in the reviews. I also substituted 1 cup rolled oats for 1 cup white flour which I added to the wet ingredients first, before the whole wheat flour. So easy, so delicious, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Day 25: Indian Samosa Casserole

This recipe was a suggestion from a friend and it probably would have been better if I'd been more diligent about following directions :-/ After going to 2 stores, I couldn't find mustard seeds, so I just used ground mustard (but not as much). And I forgot to put the agave/sugar in:( Sooo, it turned out okay but kind of bland. I think if I'd followed the recipe properly it would have been better. One plus though, I put in a bunch on fresh peas from the farmers market and as much as I abhor peas (only put them in cos Sam likes them) I honestly kinda liked them in this (gasp!). Grateful for the recommendation, just wish I had not been such an airhead when cooking today!

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