Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sub Ball

Last weekend was Submarine Birthday Ball here in Hawaii. It was a lot of fun as usual. But anytime our wardroom (officers on Sam's submarine and their spouses/girlfriends) get together it is always are guarenteed good time! The Ball was held at Hawaiian Hilton Village in Waikiki.

Us at the pre-party for the USS Louisville Wardroom
The handsome guys Sam works (and pretty much lives) with:)
Some of the wives. We had such a variety of colorful dresses without even planning!
Us at dinner. Of course our whole wardroom was having such a great time at the pre-party we were a little late for dinner... whoops! We were seated at what I can only describe as the "kids table" which turned out to be a blast!
All the boats have to introduce their captains. Someone had the bright idea of doing "air push-ups" with CO Sisco which looks pretty cool in this shot... but they weren't so good about catching him after he came down... It takes a very trusting captain to let his (slightly inebriated) officers toss him in the air like that!
The proud Academy grads of the USS Louisville (and their rings...)

The wardroom wahines getting ready to hit the dance floor!

A fun time was had by all :-)

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