Saturday, October 3, 2009


My mom recently (okay, probably about a month ago) complained that I never update this thing anymore. So here is my attempt at catching up any lingering blog readers that haven't given up on us in the months of silence!

This has been a busy year for us! Since my last post way back in the spring, Sam's been in and out of port for various underways, and I finished my teaching degree, taught summer school, started graduate school, and am now teaching high school geometry. Other than work and school, we've both learned to surf and take any chance we get to take our boards out and catch a few waves! I've also been running in a few races and have talked Sam into running a half marathon with me next month.

And now, you are all caught up:) Sorry, no pictures... we've been too busy to think about taking pictures! We miss all y'all on the mainland and can't wait to get back there!

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