Thursday, October 9, 2008


Okay, so I have been bad about keeping up with this! So here are my excuses... our life is not that exciting AND we have been really busy!

Sam is back to working crazy hours. They are in shift work and he is on swing shift so he works from noon to midnight seven days a week. BUT he also has collateral (sp?) duties, boat testing, inspections and qualifying to work on too so for the past few days he has only been home an average of 6 hours/day and the rest of the time he is either in transit or at work. He is getting to the point of exhaustion for sure because when he talks it is all mummbled and his eyes are never completely open anymore. Additionally, for some reason the left side of his back is really hurting him and he can't turn his head to the left at all because of it. So, please pray for him and all the guys on their boat who are in similar states!

The good news is that their boat is miracuously on schedule! We had a command meeting on Monday night and the captain told us they have broken several records for the speed at which they are completing things during this phase of shipyard work. So good job USS Louisville! At this rate they may actually make their planned departure date for the transit to Hawaii... but it only takes one set back to ruin that... so our fingers are crossed!

Speaking of Hawaii, we are finally planning the move we have been anticipating for over a year now! We have requested our pack-out and shipment dates, gotten the doggie quarentine checklist done, planned our car shipment, notified our apartment complex we'll be leaving (hallelujah!), and I am about to make the air travel arrangements for me and the dogs next week. As beautiful as New England is in the fall, I can't wait to get out of here and on to paradise!

As for me... what have I been doing? Well aside from all the moving logistics... I am still working on completing my last term of classes, I have been observing and teaching geometry and algebra in a local high school for the past few weeks, and I am still working at our church running the 5th and 6th grade program. So, I am keeping myself busy! In fact, this weekend I have an interview in NYC for a teaching job beginning in January in Hawaii! So pray that goes well! And since I'm going down "South" (haha) anyway, I planned a fun girls weekend with some military wife/fiance friends in the CT area :-)

I hope everyone who actually reads this is doing well! As soon as I download pictures off my camera I'll post some of Sam's parents recent visit.


Matt and Brooke said...
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Matt and Brooke said...

Sounds to me like you have a lot going on. I can't believe that about Sam's back. The weird schedule must be putting a strain on his body. We'll be praying for him. Also, I'm not the least surprised that you have covered most of the HI logistics stuff already. Such a "go-getter" you are. I love reading your blog so keep the posts comin'.

batsonfamily said...

the condo is officially being listed this weekend. we are visiting charleston, yea, and meeting with the realtor. It's my first visit since like the end of July, so I'm excited. You guys are as busy as me and Jan. We are excited about graduation and it's coming fast that's for sure. I only have like 3 weeks of football season left. Has Sam even had time to follow Navy this season. Good to hear from you.

Carrie and Scott said...

Good to hear an update and it sounds like y'all are busy! Good luck on the move...sounds very exciting. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers...I can't imagine working that much...only 6 hours at home ARH! Hope it calms down some in Hawaii!