Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Job

So today I started my new awesome job!

How this whole thing came about is totally a "God-thing" because I wouldn't have even dreamed it up on my own! We found a great new church here in New Hampshire, Bethany Church at Breakfast Hill, and I noticed about a month ago they were advertising for a some new children's ministry part time positions. One of the positions seemed like something I would enjoy and God wouldn't let me forget about it so I ended up applying and interviewing. I didn't expect to get the job because I told them up front I would be moving after Christmas. A couple of days later I get a call back from the Children's Director asking if I could come back in to talk with her. I was shocked and so excited.

During our second talk she said they had a need for someone to create and coordinate a 5th and 6th grade Sunday morning program that would eventually be volunteer lead. It was something they have dreamed about for awhile but haven't had the resources or the right person to make it happen. She said after meeting with me and looking over my resume and all the experience I had working with youth and discussing my passion for student ministry God put it on her heart during prayer to create the position for me. So she rearranged some of the other positions she was hiring for so she could afford to offer me this job.

I was sooo blown away and elated! 5th and 6th graders are my absolute favorite and this is pretty much my dream job. I get to create, from scratch, a specific program for them and develop a volunteer team that can ultimately take it over when I leave! Plus it is only part time which leaves me time to get my school work done as well. I am a little overwhelmed right now because the program kicks off September 7th and I have so much to do... painting and decorating our huge room, meeting with my volunteers, preparing a great kick-off week to get students hooked... but I am so excited because I love it all!

Please pray for me and this new ministry! That the right volunteers are draw to it and are able to commit to it, that I am able to get everything done for an amazing kick-off, and that this will really reach this age group of students in a relevant way to their lives. I feel a lot of responsibility regarding this because it was soooo clearly a "God thing" and He has really given me this amazing opportunity and I feel so blessed and want to really make the most of it!


Carrie and Scott said...

That is so awesome Molly! I am so happy for you!

Katie said...

Congratulations on your job...even if it is short-term!