Sunday, August 24, 2008

New friends and new memories

Despite Sam never getting a day off... we are loving being a part of the USS Louisville family if only for one reason... the people! I am convinced the Louisville has the best wardroom of any submarine... or any other boat for that matter! We have so much enjoyed getting to know the guys Sam works with and their wives and children. A couple of weeks ago the wardroom had a "Hail and Farewell" for our friends Steve and Marisol who are leaving the boat for Steve to go on shore tour back in Hawaii. It is sad to see them go but we will see them again when the boat gets to Hawaii! Then the ladies all got together and took Marisol out for her last night out on the town in Portsmouth and here are a couple pictures from the occasion.
We will miss you, Steve and Natalia! Can't wait to see you guys in Hawaii!

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