Thursday, April 3, 2008

Very First Blog!

Hey everyone! Welcome to our blog! It seems like all our friends now have these so we decided to jump on the band-wagon too! Although most of you have cute little babies to post about... and we've just got our cute little dogs that I might be a little too obsessed with... hehe. (Bella is on the left and Winston on the right... enjoying one of their favorite activities... rawhides!)

An update for those of you we haven't talked to in awhile...

Sam is currently deployed for (almost) 6 months with the USS Norfolk. He is riding along with them because the boat he is assigned to is actually currently not floating... it is in the shipyard in New Hampshire where we will be moving when he returns from this deployment. I'll let him tell you more about his feelings on deployment... but basically... it's not too fun.

I am currently living with my wonderful in-laws here in Maryland while Sam is gone. I spend all day working like a mad woman on school attempting to complete the equivalent of about 50 credit hours in about 5 months. I'll let you know how that goes later... but basically... not too fun.
My greatest concern though is that I will never be able to take my dogs away from here when we move again... little Winston is really attached to Sam's grandmom, as you can see!

Okay, okay... so I have had a little fun while Sam has been away... I did enjoy a wonderful two weeks in Hawaii visiting a good friend from college and fellow navy wife. Molly showed me all around Oahu and I got to check out some of the housing we could be living in a year from now. The picture is from a hike we took up a cliff on the South Shore of the island... breath taking! I can't wait to move there and further explore the islands with Sam!


Surratt Family said...

I am so impressed. Well done! Your blog looks great! -Especially for a first time blogger! I must say I resisted the blog world for a good while too- but it has been so much fun and a great way to keep in touch! Your link will be added to my favorites on our blog!! Give your pups a big lick (not really - that's gross!)for Otis. And I will post pics of my pups soon. Since I had Miles- the pups don't get near the attention/photo opts they used to!! Love, L, J & M

Carrie and Scott said...

I'm so glad you decided to do one...we'll love to hear of all your adventures to come.

Matt and Brooke said...

Molly, We are thinking on the same wavelink these days. You're such a good storyteller. I miss you and hope to see you real soon. Love, Brooke