Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Quinn {2.5 year update}

This weekend Q will be two and a half.  Where has the time gone?  When did he turn into such a big boy?! I'm not gonna lie, I love this age! But I know it will be gone just as quickly as it arrived, so I'm taking a couple of minutes to document him as he is now, as a little big boy.

 It is rare to see him without a ball and a glove these days. This glove is special because it was his daddy's and both his uncle's when they were young. He still loves other ball sports such as soccer, golf, and basketball, but baseball is by far his current favorite. He went to his first MLB game with his Mom-mom and Pop-pop and Uncle Colin at Camden Yards back in April. The game started at 7pm and we expected he wouldn't make it too long past his typical 8pm bedtime but at 11pm after the game he wanted to Skype daddy to tell him all about it and ever since then not a day goes by without exclaiming "Go O's! Get 'em out!" at least a few times. {He actually use to say "get a mouse" which took us awhile to figure out what he was referring to ;) }
 Quinn also started preschool two mornings a week a couple of months ago and absolutely loves it. He comes home singing new songs and tells us all about what he learned and the art he created. His teachers report that he doesn't talk much which is pretty shocking to us because we can't get him to stop talking for two minutes at home. He loves his teachers and they report that despite his quietness they love having him because he is reportedly a very good listener and very well behaved {proud mama here!}. He also apparently draws the attention of the entire staff whenever he gets ahold of a soccer ball and shows off his amazing skills.
He is a very loving sibling to both his little sister and our dogs. He loves to throw the ball for the dogs and can often be found chasing them around the house trying to pet them. He is very sweet to his little sister and if she is fussing while I am busy he will go entertain her and is sure to let me know when she is upset. He doesn't love it when she gets into his toys or books but he generally will go get her a toy so that she leaves his stuff alone. 
One of his most impressive qualities that we notice the more verbal he is, is his uncanny memory. {He definitely got that from his father!} He is super observant and he will let you know if you skipped a step or put something in the wrong place or forgot to do something. On the mornings he isn't in preschool, he goes to the gym with me and always reminds me if I forget to take my glasses off and leave them in the car. And if you tell him the day of the week, he will tell you our schedule {based on what we usually do, not based on us telling him anything}. Me: "It's Tuesday Quinn." Q: "I go to school and we go to the farmers market. Get some strawberries!" {oh yea, he is completely obsessed with strawberries... he generally eats about a dozen before we even get out of the farmers market!}
He continues to love to read and we have been getting into longer books lately. He loves Curious George and Bernstein Bears books and Bible stories. Most nights we read straight from the Bible (ICV) with no pictures or anything and it is amazing what he comprehends. Awhile ago we read the story of Zacharias being told he was going to have a baby but he didn't believe the angel so he was made mute until John was born {Luke 1} and when we asked Q what the story was about he told us, "the angel put Zacharias in time out" which I think is a pretty fair summary!
He really is just the sweetest kid and it is pure joy being his mama. He makes me smile, makes me laugh, and warms my heart every single day with his songs, the things he says, and his constant requests for hugs, kisses, and snuggles. Like any toddler, he has his moments... {the current battle is whining} but overall he truly is a joy to parent and I am just trying to hang on to this sweet age.

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