Monday, May 27, 2013

Lanie Kate {6-7 month update}

It's been... awhile... since I posted a Lanie Kate update so I'll try to make up for lost time over the past couple of months that I have neglected to post. We have been very busy. Little miss went on her first cross country trip to visit family and friends in Maryland and Virginia. She also survived mommy and daddy planning and hosting a charity event {no small accomplishment for any child of mine who has to live with me as their mother when I am stressed!}. She went to her first major league baseball game to see the O's play the A's up in Oakland.  And she traveled to TN {mommy's birth place} for a friend's wedding. Amidst everything going on in our family life, she started eating solid food {sweet potatoes are her favorite thus far} and has learned to sit up on her own {kinda}. She continues to have the happiest, smiliest personality of any baby I know unless you catch her in the last hour before bedtime or if someone other than mommy tries to feed her... We're working on it, baby mum-mum's seem to be doing the trick lately ;) She has definitely found her voice and jabbers and talks away all day long, particularly if she has an audience. Her favorite word is "da-da" but she mostly enjoys squawking noises.  She almost never stops kicking her legs, particularly if there is music playing.  She seems to be on the verge of crawling, just doesn't seem to have the motivation to go for it because she is just generally so content.

Licking her lips!
 She is such a messy eater! Big brother is always telling us "Lanie Kate's a mess!" pretty much every time we feed her.
{around 6 and a half months}

Enjoys her toys a lot these days

Especially loves tags...

Shoves EVERYTHING in her mouth

around 7 and a half months

Sitting up!

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